I welcome you.

It is time to grow down…

…and step into a deep and intimate relationship with yourself.

It is time to unwrap the folds of you.

Befriend yourself.
Befriend thoughts, dreams, emotions, boundaries,
needs, desires, powers, subtle and dynamic inner experiences.

Become intimate with the world around you.
Plant your feet deep in the soil…

…let life’s cyclical & creative energy guide you.

Let the Shakti lead.

Hello beautiful human!

Welcome to my corner of this world, I am so happy that you have found your way here.

I am currently letting this space (re)constallate itself.
Letting what is old and stale decompose to become rich and fertilized soil.

I am embracing the messiness of organic birth/death/rebirth as I let the Shakti lead.

“The deadness of the old thing must be complete in order for the energy of that to be harvested into a new organic form”

- Joseph R. Lee

As a decolonizing Medial Midwife I am here to walk with you as you navigate the wastelands and the wilderness.

I am here to support you to dig your hands deep into the soil of body and psyche.

I am here to support you to decompose, to uncover, and (re)discover, the cyclical & creative aliveness of life as it moves through you as you.

I am here with you as you birth the next iteration of You and let the inner Shakti lead.

You are welcome to roam around here and notice what speaks to you.

Sign up for my Music & Musings letters below to stay in touch.



🍉 🕊 🇵🇸

“When we avoid our
creativity we avoid

When we meet our
creativity, we meet

-Julia Cameron

Connect with me on Instagram - @lindanenne